Did you know that you can obtain a copy of your IRS file? Most people would be surprised to learn how much the IRS knows about them. Obtaining a copy of your IRS file is critical in analyzing the options available to resolve your tax problems.

The Top Two IRS Tax Records You Should Have:

  1. A record of account transcript, which is a combination of the account and return transcripts.

    The IRS makes this available because it shows the big picture, from your original return filed to any changes made to the return after processing. This transcript is especially helpful if you want to file an amended return because it will show the original return information plus any indicators of changes made to the return (such as prior amended returns or audit adjustments), which are required to complete an accurate amended return.

  2. A record of wage and income transcript provides a listing of information statements (Forms W-2, 1099) that show income reported to the IRS under your Taxpayer Identification Number.

You can use this transcript to help with your research to accurately file a late or extended tax return, verify employment, or keep a personal record of income.

Requesting copies of your IRS tax records is best done by a professional who understands how to obtain them, without raising any red flags, as well as how to interpret the information in your file.

If you want copies of your entire IRS file for us to determine your best options for Tax Relief, click the green button below and schedule your free Tax Strategy Analysis Today!